Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Random Thoughts from the Middle of the Night

1-One of the problems of having the status of relatively unplanned "Unemployed" not working, is that you can't afford to do what you dreamed you'd do with your life when you were not working...

2- We bought two shacks with our life savings on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. They don't have plumbing! But I do believe I'll find pirates treasure in the back yard some day, and then be able to do some of those things that I'd like to be doing now that I'm not working.

3-My mom went to heaven last tax day on April 15th. What a terrible deduction.

4- I would much love to be a snow bird when I am older. Spending most of my life in Florida, while having the seasons to visit when I needed a change in tree art.

5-I loved the dark children's movie "The Eye of the Amaryllis" as a girl. Because of that movie, I have collected Amaryllises in various forms thoughout my entire marriage- even though I barely find them attractive.

6- I don't "get" what God was trying to do when he created Cactuses.

7- I have had various degrees of insomnia for over 25 years. I once heard Jay Leno say that he only slept 4 hours a night (which is about what I do) because "He just is too busy". I on the other hand can look at unfolded laundry and think that its a shame I can't fold them because" its the middle of the night, I should be sleeping". And thus I debate with myself between the Jay Leno argument of having "too much to do" and my "should be sleeping" argument to a point of falling asleep again. Clothes untouched.

8- I found a hand painted Mark Chagall Lithograph while garbage picking. Because, thats just what you do when you are treasure hunting.

9- I love garage sales. I love having a house full of someone elses memories and imagining what those memories entail...

10- I had "The Good Dishes" in boxes waiting for a special occassion that by one excuse or another, never seemed to come. 15 years later, I decided to live it up and not keep treasures hidden, only to find that the unopened boxes of dishes had been stolen during our last move. The moral? It's a dish. If its pretty- it should have your loved ones reflection in it. What could be more beautiful?

11- I like Diet Pepsi over Diet Coke.

12- I have a yorki poo named Snickers. He tickles my itch of my need to talk baby talk to something.

13- I sometimes get the urge to send in an audition tape to become a QVC on air host. "You can wear it to a bar mitvah, buy it for a child's birthday, or just sell it at your next yard sale!"

14-I totally understand Cathy Guiswite "CATHY" comics. In fact, she may be my mentor.

15-Some day I want to own a convertible.

16- I have significant hearing loss but didin't realize that for years I've been reading lips to compensate for it. Now that I'm getting older and my eyes are going bad- I'm my own version of Helen Keller.

17-I had a crush on Tony DeFranko of the DeFranko Family. "It's a Heartbeat, It's a Love Beat". His picture was my first kiss.

18- I used to want to be a choreographed Water Ski Skier at Great Adventure as a summer job. I just don't know how to water ski so that kind of made that dream go SPLAT!

19- I was once robbed by a stranger I let into the house. The moral? Never let someone use your phone when they start the conversation with "I am trying to find the police department"...

20- I once had an obsene caller for months that we later found had escaped from a mental hospital. He had been my pizza delivery person.

21-I haven't been able to understand, thus haven't been able to help my kids with their homework since they were in 6th grade.

22- I love to buy and sell on Ebay.

23-My favorite color is Tanzanite Blue. The dark purple blue.

24-If I could chase tornados I would. I also love to track hurricanes. And although I know alot of negatives may happen in a storm, I just can't get over the awe of the power of them. Imagining they may just be a mere whishhh from God's Robe...

25- Since this last one has taken over 15 minutes to come up with, maybe I should fold laundry. :)

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