Sunday, February 1, 2009

10 Things that I Think,

It might take me a bit to get things started, but I do like to say things occassionally, and a few friends like to listen.. So with that said here is the beginning of my journey...

On January 2nd, 2009 I wrote on my facebook some things that I think, and with that said, I'd like to share those again to the Blog world. It might give you a better idea as to who I am on the inside...

Looking forward to getting to know you!

1. The Memory of a Song Can Be Powerful. So try to make your life a song worth hearing.

2. What you have doesn't amount to much if when it's stripped away you feel naked.

3. People who try to make dreams happen in people are people that are on others mental lists of "Most Important People In Their Life".

4. Living for Christ and knowing Him in this clunky superficial world is it's own eternal reward. Heaven is just bonus.

5. A 1990 Geo Prizm might as well be a car that you dream of. It gets you where you need to go alot faster than a bicycle. And it's something that millions of people around this world are without. So in itself its another man's treasure.

6. I'm not sure "Clean Water" is a Right as much as its a Blessing we take for granted.

7. A Puppy. They trip, and flop and bound enthusiastically at your every move; just ready to love. They generally remind you of what its like to have a Mother.

8. People with vision and love can even make a trailer park a suburb to dream of at Christmas. They are Benefactors of Hope.

9. Why do people hide behind "Do not Judge" when you are told to "Judge Fruit?" I'm no Diva. If my fruit stinks, you'd help prune me! That's called loving your family.

10. New Years is a chance for a really great big blank page of promise. Use Ink that is in your favorite font and is in your favorite color and give it your best. If your world is a journey, then there better be an audience. You aren't here alone.

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